I hear stories like mine countless times in my running group. And the only people who really understand are the people on the same path. We understand that being fit and healthy is a complete change. It's a change that not only involves changing your mindset, but changing your possessions to accommodate the change. And if you are truly dedicated, then you will do so freely.
What do you like to wear when you run? Personally, I like comfortable attire with a little color. I like tank tops and of course running tights in the summer, and then I'll add long sleeves, running gloves, earmuffs and a running jacket during the cold months. I can also flow with running skirts, but I reserve those mostly for my races. Some people are flamboyant, some are conservative, some are modern etc.. but whatever your personal style is, make sure it's the correct attire.
As a runner, you must wear proper running gear. Your clothing should be dry-fit material to prevent chaffing, and moisture retention. Although dry-fit is more expensive, it's worth it. Believe me, running with a burning sensation or being totally wet is not good at all, especially in the cold! And it goes beyond the clothes! You CANNOT, and I repeat, you CANNOT call yourself a runner or perform proper running technique without the correct running shoes. It's impossible! If you don't believe me, ask the many women in my group that have lost toe nails or have had injuries due to wearing improper or too small running shoes. I suggest if you want to run, walk etc... you go to your local running store and get a gate analysis. This analysis allows you to be tested and fitted for the proper shoe. And most likely you will end up with a shoe that's at least one whole size above what size you normally wear. Does that make sense? Well, it should! Your feet moves and sometimes expand when you run. You must allow room in your shoes for them to do so and to be pain free while running. You also should have at least 3 pairs of shoes for rotation. Shoe soles swell as well and need time to settle before the next run. And to round out the shoes, you MUST wear running socks. There isn't anyway around it! Many people aren't too fond of running, or exercising and any small discomfort will make them quit altogether. So I say nip it in the bud up front! Purchase what you need early on and you will be happier in the long run.
Whether you run, bike, swim, workout etc... there is proper attire for each activity. Educate yourself on your sport. Go out and purchase what you need. I'd rather have a handful of the correct running gear items instead of an entire wardrobe of fashion running gear just to look cute! You can always tell who is serious about their lifestyle by their clothing, shoes and accessories they acquire to perform!
Get it right, keep it tight! Peace!