So this past weekend was the 2nd annual Black Girls Run Conference/Race here in Charlotte, NC and I almost missed the entire darn thing! 5 chapters and 12 homework assignments later, I did manage to make and somewhat run the race.
All I can say about my race yesterday is, "Don't try to run a 10K (6.2 miles) after not running at all for almost 2 months!" So, after a very painful and long recovery surgery that had me out 99% of the two months, I was still determined to run the race.
I arrived at the race at least an hour and half before it was scheduled. Partly because I am always early, and also because we had to take a Charlotte group picture at a designated place and time. While I was waiting for my group to arrive, I ran into some old friends and ended up walking to the meeting place with them because we didn't want to be late for the picture.
After the picture was taken, we were then preceded to be told that the race was "serious." LOL! OK, let me explain this to some people. We all run for different reasons. Whether we run for fitness, weight loss, for fun, or to compete with our own time, DO NOT force your expectations on me or others! I run for fitness and for fun. I don't go into runs thinking I'm about to go out there and win the darn race because I'm not an Olympic Competitive runner. I go to races to have fun, run without pressure, do the best I can, and get my medal at the end for finishing. Fitness experts say if you run at least 30 minutes, at least 3 days a week and can average 12 minute miles as an adult then you are good. So guess what? I'm good. Maybe a pep cheer or some motivation would have sufficed!
But anyway, when I got to the starting line, I was ready to just run and finish. My friends were telling me that my body will just remember running and the 2 months off won't even matter. That was a lie! When the race started, I knew my game was off. I usually average a pace around 10-11 minutes throughout the entire race, but my body was not cooperating. My start was definitely not as fast as I normally would go. It was like I was moving in slow motion. At the 2 mile marker, my running partner told me that we were averaging 11 minute miles. I was taken aback because usually the first two miles I'm under 10 then I start to slow down for the remaining miles to get to my average. It was at that time that I started to get pissed at myself for being out so long. But hey there was nothing I could do, I had to finish. When I was almost at the 3 mile marker a previous knee injury decided to come visit. Hell! I thought I would be done, but just like in my Columbia relay, I just kept pushing through the pain. It was torture! I contemplated leaving the course to see a medic to get my knee wrapped but was told that if I did the medics would probably not allow me to finish. So that was out! I kept going. When the race ended all I could say when asked how I did was, "at least I finished," which are the words from someone who knows they didn't do well.
Needless to say, my redemption 10k didn't go so well and that 2 months off took it's toll completely. I certainly paid for it in the race and I am definitely paying for it today. I think I'll stick with the 5K's because I run now because it's fun and when I start to feel it's not, then I won't want to run anymore. So I will stay in my own lane for right now, unless I'm inspired to do more.
But don't get me wrong, if races and longer distance is what you aspire to, then go to it! I will be on the sidelines cheering you on. Like I said earlier, we all run for different reasons. All that matters is that we are off the couch and we are moving!
So ladies I will hopefully see you next year and we are going back to Atlanta for the conference/race... WOO HOO!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
WTF!!!! Just Run!
I have been running with Black Girls Run (BGR!) for over a year now and there are still ladies, who are members of our Charlotte Facebook group, that haven't been to one group run meet-up. We call these people STALKERS? Stalkers look at all the comments, "like" the comments and some even go as far as to reply to comments, but they are still sitting on the couch complaining about their bodies.
I have heard excuse after excuse from my reluctant friends, family, associates etc... about why they haven't come out.
Things like:
"I'm busy"......... But you have time to watch an hour of "Real Housewives of Atlanta"!
"It's not called Black Girls Run for nothing"....... News Cast, not ALL the ladies that come out run. A lot of ladies just walk!
"You all will leave me".... Please, our motto is "No Woman Left Behind", therefore, everyone must wait to leave until the last lady finishes.
"I have a bad knee, back, asthma etc...".... Can you walk?
"I can't run/walk in public"..... What? Believe me, no one is watching you! We are all too busy running/walking, focusing on making self improvements. And the people on the green-ways and trails are too busy doing what they do too and are not paying any attention to you!
These excuses are just that, Excuses! There has to come a point in your life when you say enough is enough. The way you treat your body is a reflection of the way you feel about yourself. I love myself! I say that proud. Therefore, I'm going to do everything necessary to remain healthy and become more fit. I think everyone needs to take on that mentality about themselves. No one likes to hear complainers. And you can't complain about something you aren't willing to change!
So there are two (2) weeks left until the BGR! 2nd Annual Conference/Race in Charlotte, NC. And there is no reason why the over 2,000 Charlotte BGR members shouldn't be out there in full force supporting and representing our city. Even if you haven't run with a group yet, you can still come out and walk. BGR! is even offering a virtual race for the event for those who can't make it physically.
So ladies, what are you making excuses for? There shouldn't be any when it comes to improving your health and body image. Small changes lead to optimum results!
Get off the couch!
I have heard excuse after excuse from my reluctant friends, family, associates etc... about why they haven't come out.
Things like:
"I'm busy"......... But you have time to watch an hour of "Real Housewives of Atlanta"!
"It's not called Black Girls Run for nothing"....... News Cast, not ALL the ladies that come out run. A lot of ladies just walk!
"You all will leave me".... Please, our motto is "No Woman Left Behind", therefore, everyone must wait to leave until the last lady finishes.
"I have a bad knee, back, asthma etc...".... Can you walk?
"I can't run/walk in public"..... What? Believe me, no one is watching you! We are all too busy running/walking, focusing on making self improvements. And the people on the green-ways and trails are too busy doing what they do too and are not paying any attention to you!
These excuses are just that, Excuses! There has to come a point in your life when you say enough is enough. The way you treat your body is a reflection of the way you feel about yourself. I love myself! I say that proud. Therefore, I'm going to do everything necessary to remain healthy and become more fit. I think everyone needs to take on that mentality about themselves. No one likes to hear complainers. And you can't complain about something you aren't willing to change!
So there are two (2) weeks left until the BGR! 2nd Annual Conference/Race in Charlotte, NC. And there is no reason why the over 2,000 Charlotte BGR members shouldn't be out there in full force supporting and representing our city. Even if you haven't run with a group yet, you can still come out and walk. BGR! is even offering a virtual race for the event for those who can't make it physically.
So ladies, what are you making excuses for? There shouldn't be any when it comes to improving your health and body image. Small changes lead to optimum results!
Get off the couch!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Black Girl Down!!!!
So it's 5 weeks away from the Black Girls Run 2nd National Conference/Run here in Charlotte, NC and I am a black girl down!
What does that mean exactly?
Well, I have not hit or even seen the pavement in almost two (2) months.
Why you ask?
Well, it's because I have excuses... LOL! But I see them as valid excuses. Yes, I said it, valid somewhat. For almost the last two months I have been studying for the exam of my life. It was intense, it was difficult and I think I went through every emotion possible during the entire process before I successfully passed it on July 20th.. YAY ME! And after passing my exam, I had every intention of getting my run on, but mother nature came a knocking. Not even a full week after passing the exam (3 days exactly), I was in the hospital getting one day outpatient surgery that keeps me from doing any physical activity for an addition three weeks!
So when it all comes down to it, I will have exactly three weeks to train for my 10k, which equates to 6.2 miles, in September. However, I'm not scared! I'm a warrior! I have familiarity, skill and determination on my side and a never give up kick ass attitude! I'm not a quitter, and I don't plan on ever being one no matter how difficult the journey may be. Bottom line, no matter what my excuses are, I am going to get out there in September, and represent for BGR Charlotte. And my competitive nature will not allow me to not complete it in a decent time either. I'm just not built for mediocrity.
So there now, you have heard it from the horses mouth. But what excuses are you allowing to hold you back from loving your body? Are you one of the 4 out of 5 African American women overweight in this country? If so, what are you doing about it? To sit around and allow yourself to increasingly become more unhealthy and obese is constantly telling your body that it doesn't matter and you could care less about it! And i don't care what anyone says, but the way you look shows in your confidence and shapes others perception about you. Unhealthy bodies just radiate an aura of laziness, medical issues and low self esteem. And although you may say this is not the case in your issue, this is how society perceives you if you are guilty. And another thing ladies, if your child is over a year old, you can no longer use the "I just had a baby" excuse... for real! I'm not afraid to say it and frankly more people should.
No matter what excuse you have, there are 1,440 minutes in a day and you only need about 20 of them to workout. You probably just used up 20 minutes reading this blog! Hmmmmm!!!
So anyway on August 13, 2013, or maybe sooner, I will be cleared to train again, OH YEAH! It's been one week of recovery and I feel good. I can possibly start small by walking this Saturday which will be oh so wonderful. I will no longer be a Black Girl Down!
Sweat With Your Sole BGR! Charlotte Conference/Run, here I come!!!
What does that mean exactly?
Well, I have not hit or even seen the pavement in almost two (2) months.
Why you ask?
Well, it's because I have excuses... LOL! But I see them as valid excuses. Yes, I said it, valid somewhat. For almost the last two months I have been studying for the exam of my life. It was intense, it was difficult and I think I went through every emotion possible during the entire process before I successfully passed it on July 20th.. YAY ME! And after passing my exam, I had every intention of getting my run on, but mother nature came a knocking. Not even a full week after passing the exam (3 days exactly), I was in the hospital getting one day outpatient surgery that keeps me from doing any physical activity for an addition three weeks!
So when it all comes down to it, I will have exactly three weeks to train for my 10k, which equates to 6.2 miles, in September. However, I'm not scared! I'm a warrior! I have familiarity, skill and determination on my side and a never give up kick ass attitude! I'm not a quitter, and I don't plan on ever being one no matter how difficult the journey may be. Bottom line, no matter what my excuses are, I am going to get out there in September, and represent for BGR Charlotte. And my competitive nature will not allow me to not complete it in a decent time either. I'm just not built for mediocrity.
So there now, you have heard it from the horses mouth. But what excuses are you allowing to hold you back from loving your body? Are you one of the 4 out of 5 African American women overweight in this country? If so, what are you doing about it? To sit around and allow yourself to increasingly become more unhealthy and obese is constantly telling your body that it doesn't matter and you could care less about it! And i don't care what anyone says, but the way you look shows in your confidence and shapes others perception about you. Unhealthy bodies just radiate an aura of laziness, medical issues and low self esteem. And although you may say this is not the case in your issue, this is how society perceives you if you are guilty. And another thing ladies, if your child is over a year old, you can no longer use the "I just had a baby" excuse... for real! I'm not afraid to say it and frankly more people should.
No matter what excuse you have, there are 1,440 minutes in a day and you only need about 20 of them to workout. You probably just used up 20 minutes reading this blog! Hmmmmm!!!
So anyway on August 13, 2013, or maybe sooner, I will be cleared to train again, OH YEAH! It's been one week of recovery and I feel good. I can possibly start small by walking this Saturday which will be oh so wonderful. I will no longer be a Black Girl Down!
Sweat With Your Sole BGR! Charlotte Conference/Run, here I come!!!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Oh, What shall I wear to run?
I am a girly girl. I like all things pink, purple and dainty. And of course I like shoes, purses, clothes etc... but I am far from superficial. A little vain at times, but not too much, LOL! However, ever since I have been living a fit and healthy life, I think I have gone crazy! I, Akilah Smith, now walks into a clothing store and go straight to the workout gear. Crazy right? NOT! It's part of my evolution.
I hear stories like mine countless times in my running group. And the only people who really understand are the people on the same path. We understand that being fit and healthy is a complete change. It's a change that not only involves changing your mindset, but changing your possessions to accommodate the change. And if you are truly dedicated, then you will do so freely.
What do you like to wear when you run? Personally, I like comfortable attire with a little color. I like tank tops and of course running tights in the summer, and then I'll add long sleeves, running gloves, earmuffs and a running jacket during the cold months. I can also flow with running skirts, but I reserve those mostly for my races. Some people are flamboyant, some are conservative, some are modern etc.. but whatever your personal style is, make sure it's the correct attire.
As a runner, you must wear proper running gear. Your clothing should be dry-fit material to prevent chaffing, and moisture retention. Although dry-fit is more expensive, it's worth it. Believe me, running with a burning sensation or being totally wet is not good at all, especially in the cold! And it goes beyond the clothes! You CANNOT, and I repeat, you CANNOT call yourself a runner or perform proper running technique without the correct running shoes. It's impossible! If you don't believe me, ask the many women in my group that have lost toe nails or have had injuries due to wearing improper or too small running shoes. I suggest if you want to run, walk etc... you go to your local running store and get a gate analysis. This analysis allows you to be tested and fitted for the proper shoe. And most likely you will end up with a shoe that's at least one whole size above what size you normally wear. Does that make sense? Well, it should! Your feet moves and sometimes expand when you run. You must allow room in your shoes for them to do so and to be pain free while running. You also should have at least 3 pairs of shoes for rotation. Shoe soles swell as well and need time to settle before the next run. And to round out the shoes, you MUST wear running socks. There isn't anyway around it! Many people aren't too fond of running, or exercising and any small discomfort will make them quit altogether. So I say nip it in the bud up front! Purchase what you need early on and you will be happier in the long run.
Whether you run, bike, swim, workout etc... there is proper attire for each activity. Educate yourself on your sport. Go out and purchase what you need. I'd rather have a handful of the correct running gear items instead of an entire wardrobe of fashion running gear just to look cute! You can always tell who is serious about their lifestyle by their clothing, shoes and accessories they acquire to perform!
Get it right, keep it tight! Peace!
I hear stories like mine countless times in my running group. And the only people who really understand are the people on the same path. We understand that being fit and healthy is a complete change. It's a change that not only involves changing your mindset, but changing your possessions to accommodate the change. And if you are truly dedicated, then you will do so freely.
What do you like to wear when you run? Personally, I like comfortable attire with a little color. I like tank tops and of course running tights in the summer, and then I'll add long sleeves, running gloves, earmuffs and a running jacket during the cold months. I can also flow with running skirts, but I reserve those mostly for my races. Some people are flamboyant, some are conservative, some are modern etc.. but whatever your personal style is, make sure it's the correct attire.
As a runner, you must wear proper running gear. Your clothing should be dry-fit material to prevent chaffing, and moisture retention. Although dry-fit is more expensive, it's worth it. Believe me, running with a burning sensation or being totally wet is not good at all, especially in the cold! And it goes beyond the clothes! You CANNOT, and I repeat, you CANNOT call yourself a runner or perform proper running technique without the correct running shoes. It's impossible! If you don't believe me, ask the many women in my group that have lost toe nails or have had injuries due to wearing improper or too small running shoes. I suggest if you want to run, walk etc... you go to your local running store and get a gate analysis. This analysis allows you to be tested and fitted for the proper shoe. And most likely you will end up with a shoe that's at least one whole size above what size you normally wear. Does that make sense? Well, it should! Your feet moves and sometimes expand when you run. You must allow room in your shoes for them to do so and to be pain free while running. You also should have at least 3 pairs of shoes for rotation. Shoe soles swell as well and need time to settle before the next run. And to round out the shoes, you MUST wear running socks. There isn't anyway around it! Many people aren't too fond of running, or exercising and any small discomfort will make them quit altogether. So I say nip it in the bud up front! Purchase what you need early on and you will be happier in the long run.
Whether you run, bike, swim, workout etc... there is proper attire for each activity. Educate yourself on your sport. Go out and purchase what you need. I'd rather have a handful of the correct running gear items instead of an entire wardrobe of fashion running gear just to look cute! You can always tell who is serious about their lifestyle by their clothing, shoes and accessories they acquire to perform!
Get it right, keep it tight! Peace!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
To Eat or Not to Eat!!!
So once again, it's that time of the year..... another Holiday! Independence Day!
Now if you are like me, you are already thinking about all the different kinds of food you are planning on chomping down on at the 4th of July cookout. You are thinking about the barbecue chicken, ribs, steak, hamburgers, hot dogs, seafood etc... Then you have the side items like baked beans, potato salad, macaroni salad, corn on the cob etc... And let's not forget about the desserts; cakes, pies, banana pudding etc... Ummm Ummm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it all! And I guess we will wash it all down with the many drink choices of soda, juices, alcoholic beverages or good old fashion sweet tea. You may even go to more than one cookout the entire Holiday weekend, which starts this Thursday and will end about midnight Sunday.... LOL!
Needless to say, many of us put on a few extra pounds during the Holiday season because temptation is all around us. And no matter what we have done up to that point, by eating healthier and staying on track with our clean eating habits, the Holiday food choices set us back about a month!
However, there is hope!
Sometimes it's not about what you eat, it's about how much of it you do eat! It's OK to satisfy your food temptations once in a while, but it's not alright to glutton yourself with those temptations. Piling your plate up with food as high as a mountain is NOT healthy. Going back up for seconds, thirds and fourths just so you can fit in all the food items offered, when you are already full is NOT healthy either. If you are like me, and you usually like a taste of a little bit of everything, it's easy to get side tracked. However, how big are your portion sizes?
To stay on track with your fitness goals, try to lessen your portion sizes. If you must have a taste of everything just because it's being offered, take small spoon-fulls of each item and limit your meat selections to three or less. Also, think about the choices that are being offered and make the best selections. You can load up on tossed salad instead of three sides. You can drink water instead of the pure sugar items mentioned earlier. If you are able to do smaller portions, then you can fit a variety of selections on your plate, which tricks the mind to believe that you are satisfied because you'll have a taste of everything. Therefore, you won't have to go back up for seconds, thirds or fourths, because you have had everything already.
But if you are unable to control your temptations and you do overindulge in everything, it's OK! Before I even go to a cookout, I have already figured out what workout routine I'm going to do afterwards to burn off all those calories and you should to. And it doesn't have to be a strenuous workout. You can do anything from walking, to swimming, to a cardio workout or even a bike ride. You can pick back up where you left off. Just don't get so off track that you don't get back on the horse at all!
So don't get bogged down with counting calories, or not allowing yourself to eat tempting items. If you don't indulge in foods you enjoy once in a while it will lead to overeating binges, and sometimes a desire not to continue eating healthy at all.
As long as you stay ACTIVE and your main sources of nutrition are HEALTHY choices, you will be OK!
Happy 4th of July!!!!
Now if you are like me, you are already thinking about all the different kinds of food you are planning on chomping down on at the 4th of July cookout. You are thinking about the barbecue chicken, ribs, steak, hamburgers, hot dogs, seafood etc... Then you have the side items like baked beans, potato salad, macaroni salad, corn on the cob etc... And let's not forget about the desserts; cakes, pies, banana pudding etc... Ummm Ummm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it all! And I guess we will wash it all down with the many drink choices of soda, juices, alcoholic beverages or good old fashion sweet tea. You may even go to more than one cookout the entire Holiday weekend, which starts this Thursday and will end about midnight Sunday.... LOL!
Needless to say, many of us put on a few extra pounds during the Holiday season because temptation is all around us. And no matter what we have done up to that point, by eating healthier and staying on track with our clean eating habits, the Holiday food choices set us back about a month!
However, there is hope!
Sometimes it's not about what you eat, it's about how much of it you do eat! It's OK to satisfy your food temptations once in a while, but it's not alright to glutton yourself with those temptations. Piling your plate up with food as high as a mountain is NOT healthy. Going back up for seconds, thirds and fourths just so you can fit in all the food items offered, when you are already full is NOT healthy either. If you are like me, and you usually like a taste of a little bit of everything, it's easy to get side tracked. However, how big are your portion sizes?
To stay on track with your fitness goals, try to lessen your portion sizes. If you must have a taste of everything just because it's being offered, take small spoon-fulls of each item and limit your meat selections to three or less. Also, think about the choices that are being offered and make the best selections. You can load up on tossed salad instead of three sides. You can drink water instead of the pure sugar items mentioned earlier. If you are able to do smaller portions, then you can fit a variety of selections on your plate, which tricks the mind to believe that you are satisfied because you'll have a taste of everything. Therefore, you won't have to go back up for seconds, thirds or fourths, because you have had everything already.
But if you are unable to control your temptations and you do overindulge in everything, it's OK! Before I even go to a cookout, I have already figured out what workout routine I'm going to do afterwards to burn off all those calories and you should to. And it doesn't have to be a strenuous workout. You can do anything from walking, to swimming, to a cardio workout or even a bike ride. You can pick back up where you left off. Just don't get so off track that you don't get back on the horse at all!
So don't get bogged down with counting calories, or not allowing yourself to eat tempting items. If you don't indulge in foods you enjoy once in a while it will lead to overeating binges, and sometimes a desire not to continue eating healthy at all.
As long as you stay ACTIVE and your main sources of nutrition are HEALTHY choices, you will be OK!
Happy 4th of July!!!!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Summer Swimsuit Motivation!
Yes, you read my title right! My motivation this summer is to look good in my already purchased MONOKINI swimsuit!!! LOL!
Call it shallow, and call it what you want, but it's a real motivating factor for most women in the summertime. Women want to look good or be able to put on a two-piece or sexy bathing suit without blobs of fat poking out everywhere! And I'm not the type to throw one on if my body is not up-to-par! No, not me! I'm consciously aware of what looks good and what does not! But, I know, I know, that you aren't supposed to care what others yourself, love your body etc....... but BOO HOO, rolls and curves are not the same thing!!! My routine for the summer, because I am not too fond of the heat, is to mainly tone up. My weight goals have almost been met, just 5 lbs to go, so now it's time to add more muscle and toning.
These are my steps to reach my summer motivation goal in 1 month:
First, I am going to continue to eat healthy. My refrigerator now only consists of lean meats, fruits, vegetables, some low fat condiments and a lot of water. I did a complete overhaul over a month ago and it's paying off big time in my fitness endeavors. I suggest you do the same thing.
Secondly, I am incorporating more strengthening into my workout. I suggest if you are the type that don't like working out alone or at home, join a gym. They have plenty of strengthening classes, and whether they call the class Total Strength, Weight Lifting, Power etc... the goals are the same. You CANNOT, and I will say this again, you CANNOT tone up properly or get fantastic AB definition without incorporating weight training into your fitness routine. Not going to happen!!! You can maybe get flat abs from doing cardio and eating right, but not a six pack, nor those Angela Bassette arms from "What's Love Got To Do With It." LOL! I need her arms like yesterday!!
And Last, to keep my eyes on the prize, I will continue to run and drink lot's of water. Running has now become enjoyable for me. I have dramatically changed my mindset about running. I stopped focusing on the miles, pain etc... that comes along with it. I now focus on the positives, like better endurance, speed and longevity.
I know it's hard to stay on track if you have a family to take care of, because they eat differently and sometimes try to sabotage your lifestyle change, but you have to make the decision for yourself to be obedient!
You have to ask yourself:
Bottom line!! It's your body, it's your mind, and only you control both of them, NOT your significant other, NOT your children, NOT your friends etc... Only YOU!!
So, now I ask, what is motivating you this summer to get fit and healthy?
Call it shallow, and call it what you want, but it's a real motivating factor for most women in the summertime. Women want to look good or be able to put on a two-piece or sexy bathing suit without blobs of fat poking out everywhere! And I'm not the type to throw one on if my body is not up-to-par! No, not me! I'm consciously aware of what looks good and what does not! But, I know, I know, that you aren't supposed to care what others yourself, love your body etc....... but BOO HOO, rolls and curves are not the same thing!!! My routine for the summer, because I am not too fond of the heat, is to mainly tone up. My weight goals have almost been met, just 5 lbs to go, so now it's time to add more muscle and toning.
These are my steps to reach my summer motivation goal in 1 month:
First, I am going to continue to eat healthy. My refrigerator now only consists of lean meats, fruits, vegetables, some low fat condiments and a lot of water. I did a complete overhaul over a month ago and it's paying off big time in my fitness endeavors. I suggest you do the same thing.
Secondly, I am incorporating more strengthening into my workout. I suggest if you are the type that don't like working out alone or at home, join a gym. They have plenty of strengthening classes, and whether they call the class Total Strength, Weight Lifting, Power etc... the goals are the same. You CANNOT, and I will say this again, you CANNOT tone up properly or get fantastic AB definition without incorporating weight training into your fitness routine. Not going to happen!!! You can maybe get flat abs from doing cardio and eating right, but not a six pack, nor those Angela Bassette arms from "What's Love Got To Do With It." LOL! I need her arms like yesterday!!
And Last, to keep my eyes on the prize, I will continue to run and drink lot's of water. Running has now become enjoyable for me. I have dramatically changed my mindset about running. I stopped focusing on the miles, pain etc... that comes along with it. I now focus on the positives, like better endurance, speed and longevity.
I know it's hard to stay on track if you have a family to take care of, because they eat differently and sometimes try to sabotage your lifestyle change, but you have to make the decision for yourself to be obedient!
You have to ask yourself:
- What I you want most?
- Who is in charge of my body?
- Who controls my mind?
- Do I really want to die unfit? Hmmmm..... think about that one.
Bottom line!! It's your body, it's your mind, and only you control both of them, NOT your significant other, NOT your children, NOT your friends etc... Only YOU!!
So, now I ask, what is motivating you this summer to get fit and healthy?
Friday, June 14, 2013
What Ya Rockin' With!!
I often wonder what keeps others motivated while running. For me, it changes every day, which may seem strange, but I'm not your typical runner. So what does it for you?
Is it focusing on your breathing?
Is it listening to the rhythm of your heartbeat?
Is it enjoying the time to meditate?
Is it becoming one with nature?
Or are you just plain running your worries of the day away?? LOL!
The list could go on and on. But, for the majority of us, it's what we are listening to!
Now, I'm not saying all of the above aren't great motivators, because in the beginning I ran a good four months without listening to anything but my GPS tracker updating me on my progress. It was cool at first, but then I started to get bored. I was tired of listening to the wind, my heartbeat, the birds etc.... I wanted something extra to enjoy my runs more.
So, I decided that I'd try what everyone else was doing and make a playlist. I didn't know what I was doing, what songs I wanted on the list or what was appropriate. So, I began downloading songs that I thought would keep me pumped up like Eye of the Tiger, that Champion whatever song, Hip Hop etc... I even threw in a few slow songs.
When I set off on my first run with my new playlist, I thought I was going to be rockin'! I thought I would just cruise along listening to my tunes and forget about the run altogether. NOT!! It was a disaster!!!!! I'm usually an even paced runner and that never changes. I can either speed up my pace for the entire run or slow it down and it stays the same for the entire mileage I decide to do. But not the day of my first playlist experience. I was all over the place. When an uptempo song came on, my pace sped up, immediately followed by some slow song which slowed me down! Not only was the music throwing me off my routine, I also went through all the emotions in the lyrics of the songs!! NOT GOOD! I had to shut the music off mid-run and become one with nature. LOL! Needless to say, that run did not go as intended. I had to regroup and refocus. I had to do more research! And by research, that means I had to ask around!
So, after countless runs with different playlists, I was about to give up and go back to my silent, peaceful runs. But then an Angel came to my rescue. My girl, fellow BGR! Charlotte runner Crystal Blair, saved me! She told me about this Pandora station she listens to which is all "Urban Comedy." At first, I didn't think that would work, listening to people talk while running. But hey, I was going to give it a try because I like to talk while running so what's the difference? It was a blessing in disguise. My first run with the Urban Comedy show was wonderful! Not only did I forget that I was running, I laughed the entire time. Granted, the people running around me probably thought I was on drugs, but who cares! I don't say anything when I see people talking to themselves walking down the street! LOL! So if we can get used to people doing that because they are on their cell phones, then darn it, we can get used to people busting out laughing at any moment just because! Man, from Kevin Heart, to Paul Rodriguez, Bernie Mack, and Kat Williams etc... I was rockin' and running with them all! I cannot go running without my Urban Comedy! I highly suggest you try it.
Either way, whatever you are listening to, make sure it's something that you enjoy! Whether its music, comedy, or even a book reading, make sure that it's not conflicting with your pace. Your listening selections should be in tune with your running pace, needs and goals. And if you are one of those runners that don't like listening to anything, that's fine too.
My next thing is to try listening to a book while running. I just know it has to be a drama to keep my interest. I have made a list of things that I'd like to listen to while running and I'm going to try each one. I always say, I'd try "ALMOST" anything once!
Whatever motivates you stay off the couch and keep moving forward is fantastic! Just keep moving!!!!!
Monday, June 3, 2013
10 K....... ROUND 2!
So, here we go again!
A year ago this month, I started my running journey. And now with a few 5K's down, and a marathon relay under my belt, I am going to go another round with the 10K!
At the 1st inaugural BGR! conference in Atlanta last September, I signed up to run the 5K, made a wrong turn and ended up on the 10K trail. Let's just say that I started off pretty but it got real ugly towards the end...LOL! But I finished! However, those who know me knows that I'm not one of those women who uses the term "At least I finished!" Heck, I always finish and usually better than I planned. Needless to say, I chalked the Atlanta run up as an experience and kept it moving!
So now the Queen City, yes Charlotte, NC, is hosting the 2nd annual BGR! "Sweat With Your Sole" conference this September and I am psyched! Not only do I get to represent my city, I get to redeem myself and run my first OFFICIAL 10K race. And this time I will be prepared, hands down! This time there won't be any wrong turns! The only wrong turn I could make is to a shorter race and I don't think I'd have any complaints about that.... LOL!
This running venture has had it's ups and downs. However, I am still in it to win it and have inspired many of my family members and friends along the way. I can honestly say that I made an assist in getting a lot of women off the couch and living healthier lives. I am proud!
How do you get started? That is the question?
First, you have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired! You have to get a big kick in the rear end, whether it be physical or mental that makes your mind say enough is enough! I know I did a year ago when I was tipping the scale more than 20 lbs than I am today! What was my motivation? Honestly, I just didn't want to be bigger than my man! Yes, I said it! Hey, don' t knock my motivation because all of us are motivated by different things.
Secondly, once you are tired, you have to take action. Do a refrigerator overhaul! Get rid of any food that you can't get from the outside isles in the grocery store. The outside isles contain real food with little to no additives, like fruits, veggies, meat, dairy etc... Being fit and healthy is 90% of what you eat. Sometimes just changing your eating habits can drop the lbs without exercise. And, once you change your eating habits, you won't even crave unhealthy foods anymore. And nowadays you can find all the foods you love to eat in healthier choices.
Third, get active! Join your local BGR! group, and if your city doesn't have one, then you can be the driving force to start a chapter in your city. But don't let lack of a BGR! chapter stop you. You can download any of the FREE couch to 5K (c25k) apps and start at the beginning with running. These apps take you from walking to running a full 5k in 9 weeks. If you can't run, because of health issues, then walking is great as well. And if you can't walk, then take it to the pool! LOL! Lack of exercise is detrimental to trying improving weight loss. You just have to suck it up and do it! All it takes is 3 days a week, for at least 30 minutes a day.
So ladies, and gents, eating properly and exercising is the only way of getting healthy, fit and losing the lbs., aside from surgery. Who wants surgery? I have a few friends who had the surgery, but they are back to eating unhealthy and the weight is piling back on. So I'd say surgery does not change the persons frame of mind. It's a temporary solution for an ongoing problem!
The struggle is staying fit and being consistent and that takes discipline and motivation. With 4 out of every 5 African American women in this country overweight, many of us should already be sick and tired! A lazy mind produces ZERO results physically!
I exercise because I must!
I eat healthy because I must!
I do both because I love myself!
Now, you must do it because you love yourself!
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