Friday, August 23, 2013

WTF!!!! Just Run!

I have been running with Black Girls Run (BGR!) for over a year now and there are still ladies, who are members of our Charlotte Facebook group, that haven't been to one group run meet-up.  We call these people STALKERS?  Stalkers look at all the comments, "like" the comments and some even go as far as to reply to comments, but they are still sitting on the couch complaining about their bodies.

I have heard excuse after excuse from my reluctant friends, family, associates etc... about why they haven't come out.

Things like:

"I'm busy"......... But you have time to watch an hour of "Real Housewives of Atlanta"!

"It's not called Black Girls Run for nothing"....... News Cast, not ALL the ladies that come out run. A lot of ladies just walk! 

"You all will leave me".... Please, our motto is "No Woman Left Behind", therefore, everyone must wait to leave until the last lady finishes. 

"I have a bad knee, back, asthma etc..."....  Can you walk?

"I can't run/walk in public".....  What?  Believe me, no one is watching you!  We are all too busy running/walking, focusing on making self improvements.  And the people on the green-ways and trails are too busy doing what they do too and are not paying any attention to you!

These excuses are just that, Excuses!  There has to come a point in your life when you say enough is enough. The way you treat your body is a reflection of the way you feel about yourself.  I love myself!  I say that proud.  Therefore, I'm going to do everything necessary to remain healthy and become more fit.  I think everyone needs to take on that mentality about themselves.  No one likes to hear complainers.  And you can't complain about something you aren't willing to change!

So there are two (2) weeks left until the BGR!  2nd Annual Conference/Race in Charlotte, NC.  And there is no reason why the over 2,000 Charlotte BGR members shouldn't be out there in full force supporting and representing our city.  Even if you haven't run with a group yet, you can still come out and walk.  BGR! is even offering a virtual race for the event for those who can't make it physically.

So ladies, what are you making excuses for?  There shouldn't be any when it comes to improving your health and body image.  Small changes lead to optimum results!

Get off the couch!

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