Friday, August 3, 2012

From One Beginner To Another!!!!

I never thought that after only seven weeks of running, that I’d actually be excited about the thought of getting up the next day and doing it all over again.  After I posted my last blog, the very next day I hit the pavement and ran a continuous 4 miles.  And before this, I wasn’t even able to run 2 miles straight without stopping and walking.  I can say that I have conquered my mental inhibitors and am not far off from achieving my fitness goals.  And it was getting out of my comfort zone, perseverance and dedication that has gotten me this far and will carry me even further until I succeed. 

But when I first started running, it was a little overwhelming.  It wasn’t about just throwing on a pair of sneakers; tights and a t-shirt and thinking that’s all I needed.  It took way more preparation!  So, whether you want to run for health, fitness, weight loss, competition, or just for funit’s a process. 
Get Motivated!! Motivation comes in all forms.  For me, it was joining a good running group where everyone encouraged me to do my best.  Having inspiration and accountability increased my commitment because I was part of a group.  Even getting a running buddy helps.  If you know you have someone else counting on you, then you are less likely to disappoint them.

Get the right attire!!  If you go out running, and it’s your first day, the right shoes and clothing makes all the difference.  We get so easily discouraged when exercising and any tiny discomfort can send us back to the couch.  After my first day with the group, I knew my shoes weren’t fit for running distances.  The very next day I went to a sporting goods store and was aided in finding the correct running shoe for my foot type, which made a world of difference.  And be prepared to pay top dollar for a good pair of running shoes.  Believe me; it’s worth it in the long run.  You also must make sure you get the right clothing.  By saying this, you have to make sure the material you wear is fit for running and can handle moisture properly.  You want to avoid any type of material that may cause chaffing and skin discomfort.  You will NOT want to run if you develop a serious case of chaffing!  It is not a good feeling.

Get on a beginners running plan!! If you are a beginner runner, you have to start at the beginning.  You can’t possibly believe that after not exercising for years that you are going to go out the first day and run 3 miles, let alone even 1 mile.  Not going to happen!  Your mind may believe it, but you probably won’t achieve it!  I didn’t!  So I had to follow a plan.  I used a simple couch to 5k (c25k) beginners program which starts out with minimal running and increases the run time week by week.  Your body must get acclimated to actually running distances.  Therefore, you must start off slow and get in tune with your body.  Even running for 30 seconds may have you feeling the results the next day.  And this is because your body must adapt.  In my case, it took 4-6 weeks for my body to get accustomed to running without being in severe muscle pain the next day.  But I never gave up…. I have goals to obtain!

Get Hydrated and Eat!!  I try to eat at least two hours before I run.  This gives me the necessary amount of energy for the strenuous activity I am about to partake in…. LOL!!  If you DO NOT fuel your body properly, you WILL feel the repercussions while you are running.  It will make your run feel like a struggle and your muscles will be drained.  And also hydrate!  Drink lots of water, at least 16-20 oz about two hours before you run.  I was bad about hydration in the beginning because I simply didn’t drink that much water.  However, running and being exhausted and fatigued has opened my eyes and I now drink plenty of water on a daily basis.  I like to drink Gatorade after I run as well because it adds back electrolytes that are lost on the run.  Please do both of these because eating properly and hydration are most important!!!

Get Rest and Warm-Up!!  And last but not least, make sure you are properly stretching before and after your runs and getting plenty of rest.  Warm-ups come in many forms.  You should at least do a 5-minute warm-up before any exercise.  This keeps your muscles from getting tense during your run.  I do a 5-minute walk to warm me up before I start running which loosens me up.  Also, get plenty of rest.  Rest gives your body the proper time to recover, and this I encourage.  If your body doesn’t recover properly, and you go out running prematurely, it may cause injury.  And no one wants an injury! 

I really think the above tips will give you an idea of what to expect and also how to prepare yourself mentally and physically before you decide to start running.  Hopefully you will be encouraged to get up, get out, get moving and start taking back control of your body.  I’m not a fitness expert, but I know what works for me.  I have a long way to go before I reach my fitness goals, but it’s a lot less then where I was seven weeks ago.  Getting in shape takes time.  It’s not going to happen overnight!  However, if you are willing to take the time and have the dedication, don’t you want to be happy when looking at your body in the mirror, instead of pointing out what you feel are imperfections???

1 comment:

  1. Very inspirational. I began the Couch to 5K yesterday and it was awesome. I will follow your other tips too. Thanks for sharing.
